Hello hungry peoples,
Let me start out by confessing, I am an egg enthusiast. They are just gosh darn delicious. I have long harboured dreams of having my own chickens, sourcing my eggs directly in the mornings by wandering down to the roost whilst the chickens happily peck around me. Sadly this dream is not meant to be. As my hubby puts it “I said yes to dogs, yes to children but I am standing firm…NO CHICKENS! He also said no to bees, but that is another story. Since, despite my pleading and protestations, I will be forever bereft of chickens I have found the next best thing; I have an Egg Man.
The lovely Chris at my work has been providing my whole section with eggs for a few months now. It is all kinds of awesome. His wife even breeds crazy types of chickens so occasionally we get blue eggs. According to my daughter the blue ones are the best and they always get eaten first. The eggs he provides are so popular it gets a bit dicey when his chicken slack off and don’t make enough for everyone. There may be some kind of “Thunder dome” fight to the death soon to get the coveted dozen. That would make for a tense work place. “Where is Tim, he was supposed to send me the generic budget plan/numbers?” … “Oh I killed him in last week’s death match so that I could make an omelette”. Super awkward!
Hopefully you haven’t had to kill anyone to get your eggs but since you have them let’s make an omelette. Since someone may have had to die, let’s make it a fancy pants omelette – the coveted souffle omelette. It seems ironic that the title has souffle in it, which are notoriously difficult, when this is such an easy meal to make. The perfect meal for brinner (breakfast for dinner), which is by far my favourite meal of the day.
- 4 eggs
- Pinchonion powder
- Pinchgarlic powder
- Pinchsalt
- Pinchpepper
Toppings: All the cheeses, bacon, ham, mushrooms, pancetta, tomatos, baby spinach, rocket etc etc.
Cooking Directions
- To make the omelette separate your eggs into yolks and whites.
- Beat the whites until they form stiff peaks. This is where you add air into the mixture to make your omelettes super fluffy.
- In the egg yolks add your pinch of onion powder, garlic powder and salt and pepper. The onion and garlic are not strictly necessary but it makes the flavour of the omelette much more interesting.
- Gently fold the egg whites into the yolk mixture. You hear of folding mixtures all the time. All they mean is don’t beat the heck out of it. You spent a fair amount of effort getting the air in, don’t beat it out. Everything does not have to be completely incorporated, just get it close.
- Heat a pan on medium and put a tbsp of butter in the pan.
- I like to fry my fillings before I put them into the omelette. The fillings will not cook on top so it is worth going through this step, unless of course you really love raw mushrooms. Use whatever fillings your heart desires. I like to fry some black forest ham (we call it “fancy ham” in our house). You can get this from Aldi and it is amazing, kind of a cross between ham, bacon and pancetta.
- Remove your meaty/vegetable filling from the pan and wipe it out with some paper towel.
- Put the pan back on the heat with another tbsp of butter. Once the butter has melted pour half of your egg mixture in. Gently spread the mixture using an egg flip. You want it to be about 1 cm high. Higher than this and it will not cook in the middle.
- Fry the first side until it is golden and then carefully flip the omelette.
- Place your cheese on the cooked side, as well as your cooked fillings. I like to use a mix of cheese. Anything that is in my fridge really. Gruyere melts really well and will give a great flavour to your omelette. I prefer to grate the cheese so it will melt properly on the omelette.
- Once the other side is cooked fold the omelette over the fillings and place onto a plate. That’s it, enjoy!

Difficulty: Easy peasy